[wilcom forum] Applique

他他米书记 发表于 2007-2-10 10:14:00 | 只看该作者 [复制链接] 打印
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QQ721543 Email:xiaocao123@sina.com 水,是我们生命的源泉,请大家每天定时定量来这里灌水。 每天逛一逛,灌一灌,有益身心健康。 早晨起来一桶水,饭前饭后一桶水,关键在于坚持,重点在于参与。
1. Applique' cutting Q:I try to send a design to the cutter with no response.I am going to the file menu then cut applique',which gives me a printer properties box where our cutter is listed as an output device but nothing happens.We are able to use the cutter thru Corel Draw installed on the same computer.Does the driver need to be installed somehow in the embroidery program? Please help. A:Jerry, if Corel is talking to your cutter the driver is installed properly. It sounds like your not converting the embroidery object to a drawing object before sending it to the cutter. 2. applique for Fix-Its I wanted to start a conversation about fixing mistakes. This happened to me this week and maybe by sharing my experience, I might help someone else. I miss-spelled a word and didn't find it until we already had 2 dozen hats done. I won't use these hats for my customer, now, but I plan to applique an oval or some kind of crest and then embroider my own business name and a cute design - then use them as give-always for advertising. - Also have used this technique for a local school needing to get some hats for a money-making project. I had a bunch of hats that were sent to me (well, I paid for them) in a sample kit. They were pre-embroidered with their cap company name on them. No-one wanted to buy these sample hats, so I did the applique technique above, let the school sell them for their project. They paid me a fee for embroidery, but got the hats for Free. I at least was not stuck with these hats. Hope this helps someone!!! We have used this method many times to cover errors and changes of logos. One of our customers changes jobs every year or so and he needs for us to embroidery the newest company name on his shirts when he goes to a new job. It is less expensive than starting over with a new Cutter and Buck shirt. Do you have any suggestions for applique on 6 panel caps. We currently have a job and the customer wanted an oval applique. What did you use to apply the material to the cap. We have an applique iron and have attached the "sticky" we use on patches, but thought there might be a better way. Do you have any suggestions for applique on 6 panel caps. We currently have a job and the customer wanted an oval applique. What did you use to apply the material to the cap. We have an applique iron and have attached the "sticky" we use on patches, but thought there might be a better way. Any suggestions would be appreciated. 3. Auto Applique Q:If you are working with the auto applique feature in the software, try ungrouping the auto applique object. Once ungrouped, Select All and generate the stitches. You now have a guide stitch, tack down and cover stitch that are three separate objects. This allows you to edit them separately or resequence by color if desired. Great for use when you have multiple auto applique objects in the same design. To learn more about manipulating advanced features in the software, sign up for one of our Regional Classes in the US. How are others utilizing auto applique?
QQ721543 Email:xiaocao123@sina.com 水,是我们生命的源泉,请大家每天定时定量来这里灌水。 每天逛一逛,灌一灌,有益身心健康。 早晨起来一桶水,饭前饭后一桶水,关键在于坚持,重点在于参与。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-6-28 20:51:00 | 只看该作者
[URL=http://www.embcx.net/dispbbs.asp?boardID=20&ID=9586&page=1][/URL] [glow=555,#0000FF,2][color=#F0FFFF] 技 术 无 止 境...真 诚 相 待......[/color][/glow]
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发表于 2007-1-29 18:32:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-2-10 10:14:00 | 只看该作者
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