
文轩 发表于 2007-1-29 18:26:00 | 只看该作者 [复制链接] 打印
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常常在一杯开水里加入一些白糖,然后用勺子轻轻地搅拌,慢慢地,糖溶化了,心也散发出一丝清甜,生活也就成了一种享受! Http://www.subaru-china.com http://www.chinaemblem.com
Embroidery Source originated as part of a world-wide group of companies dedicated to providing top quality products and services to the industrial embroidery industry. Our experience and knowledge base has been gathered during the 60 + years in business. Here at the Embroidery Source web site we hope to pass on the knowledge which we have gathered during our many years of service to the embroidery industry. So, starting here we begin with some general information about the embroidery process, some of the traps and pitfalls and how you can avoid them and thereby enjoy your embroidery experience. If you have any specific questions which we have not yet covered, please send us an e-mail at What would you like to know? Before you begin Embroidery can be a very rewarding business or hobby and for most of the time a variety of products can be embroidered quite successfully. There are of course some limitations which if they are understood, can be avoided or perhaps worked around. Prerequisites The No.1 prerequisite . . . . . . . . a good quality embroidery machine. Believe me, not all makes and/or models are equal but let's assume that you do have a good machine. You also need to consider the following: 1. Is the fabric suitable for embroidery 2. Can the fabric be fixed securely in a hoop - if not is there an alternative 3. The correct size and type of needle must be used for the fabric being embroidered. 4. The thread to be used must be suitable for the needle 5. The correct type of backing fabric should be selected to suit the fabric, the design & the method of fixing the fabric. The fabric to be embroidered A great variety of fabrics ranging from ladies nylon stockings through to leather . . . . . and would you believe even wood veneer can be embroidered. In most instances we work with fabrics which present few problems for the embroiderer. The following points should be considered before working with any new fabric. * Is the fabric suitable for embroidery. Fabric may be either too fine, too course, too tightly woven or even too loosely woven. Very fine fabrics may be damaged by the needle or the thread whereas very course fabrics like heavy webbing will most likely deflect the needle resulting in at best, skipped stitches and at worst, broken needles and possible damage to the needle plate and/or sewing hook. Very tightly woven fabrics can be tricky to embroider as they often show a high degree of puckering after embroidery. * Some fabrics can be left with shiny hoop marks as a result of pressing the inner hoop into the outer hoop. Hoop marks are most noticeable on dark fabrics and can often be removed or reduced with the aid of steam which relaxes the fibres. Alternative methods of securing the fabric such as soft grip frames, stick down or flop-on may be an alternative. *Poor quality fabrics Some are especially prone to needle damage. This may be because they have been made with poor quality yarn or perhaps the fabric may have deteriorated because of inferior dyeing and finishing procedures. When a needle passes through fabric, the yarns should move to either side of the needle making room for the needle and then of course the thread (2 thickness' of thread for every stitch). When poor quality fabrics are embroidered, the fabric yarns resist the passage of the needle and thread. This can result in excessive puckering, pinholes, laddering or needle thread breakage. *The hoop There are many shapes, sizes and types of embroidery hoop. The most common being round, oval and rectangular. However there are a growing number of specialised hoops and hooping aids for tricky jobs. The rule of thumb is - use the smallest possible hoop which will hold the fabric securely and allow sufficient space in order to minimise the risk of running the needle into the frame. Some alternatives to standard embroidery hoops include: Cap frames, sock frames, and handkerchief frames. Some alternatives to using the above frames include: Stick down, flop-on and soft grip. The needle There are some general rules here 1. Make sure you have the correct type of needle for your machine. Sharp point needles for woven fabric and ball point for knitted fabric 2. Use the smallest size / thickness of needle possible for the fabric to be embroidered. Sixes 9, 10 & 11 are the most commonly used. However, some poor quality T-shirt fabrics may be damaged even by a size 11. 3. Regularly check needles for straightness and for any damage to the point. Rolling the needle on a flat surface will usually show up even a slight bend. To check for damage to the needle point, you can look at the tip of the needle whilst rolling the needle between your fingers. You can also run the tip of your fingernail down the point and off the end several times as you rotate the needle. (Many domestic embroidery machines require a needle which has a flat side - this makes it impossible to roll the needle). If there is damage to the point you feel that your finger nail catches on the burr on the point of the needle. If in doubt, change the needle . . . . they are not expensive! Tip: Needles should be checked regularly. Incorrect needle size and/or failure to keep needles in good condition are two of the most common problems encountered by embroidery machine service centres. The thread The most commonly used machine embroidery threads are Polyester, Rayon, Cotton and Acrylic in 40s or 120s count. Theoretically, type and thickness of thread is determined by the needle size which is itself determined by the fabric. However, it is quite common to find embroiderers who are trying to embroider fine knit fabrics with very thick threads and wonder why they are having problems. Remember: The needle is selected to suit the fabric and the thread is selected to suit the needle. If the needle is too large it can damage the fabric and if the thread is too thick for the needle it can cause skipped stitches, thread breaks, tension problems and thread jams in the needle hole. Tip: There are good threads and there are bad threads. You might run a cheap rayon thread on a single head machine once and be pleased with the result - but run over a period of time and you will probably notice much higher threads breakage and worse still potential dye fastness problems. The same cheap thread when run on a high speed multi-head embroidery machine could be absolutely disastrous. Don't be Penny wise and Pound Foolish! What you save on buying cheap thread could cost you much, much more in stress, machine down time and potentially costly claims from your customers. Embroidery Backings (Non-tear and tear-away types) As a general guide to backing, I always recommend starting with, and sticking with (if possible) a good quality non-tear backing. Later on you may decide to experiment with lighter weights and tear-aways but do so with caution. The danger is that over a period of time you can begin to suffer minor deteriorations in finished embroidery quality which in themselves don't seem to amount to much but collectively they can make a significant difference. There are some design/fabric combinations which will work well with a tear-away but be careful. There is a growing tendency to use tear-away backing for every job that comes along because it is so easy to remove but unfortunately the resulting poor quality embroidery is often only too obvious. Backing weight / thickness Light - Medium - Heavy (Non-tear and tear away) depending upon the fabric and the design to be embroidered. Examples: Small stitch count designs on stretch fabrics may run well with a light to medium weight non-tear backing. Small stitch count designs on medium to heavy weight woven fabrics require minimal backing fabric and you may find that a medium weight tear-away backing produces good results. Embroidered badges on woven fabric would usually require a medium to heavy tear away, fusible backing. Non fusible backings - are most commonly used. The fabric to be embroidered is secured to the backing fabric by underlay/tacking stitches. Fusible backings - have a very fine coating of adhesive on one side. They can be secured to the top fabric by heat which melts the glue and thereby fixes the fabric very securely to the backing. Underlay stitching This is most often the first task required to be completed before beginning the covering stitch of most embroidery designs. Underlay stitching is not really a stitch type but is a combination of stitch types used to stabilise a piece of fabric so that it will not move or distort during the embroidery process. Manual stitch This type of stitch is commonly used for very small detail or for minor editing of designs. This is the most basic and time consuming type of stitch to use. A stitch is created each time the digitizer moves the mouse or cursor and clicks the input button to create a stitch. The length and direction of the stitch are both controlled by the digitizer. If the digitize has both the time and patience, then even the most complex of designs can be created using manual stitch. However, this would be a very slow and costly method of digitizing. It is a little like painting a large surface with a single brush hair as compared to a spray gun - the end result may look much the same, but the time taken would be massively higher. Another downside of using manual stitch is that it is very difficult to edit designs which have been produced with manual stitch. If the length or density of stitching needs to be changed, then every single stitch must be repositioned individually. Run stitch This stitch is used mostly for travel stitching (to get from one block of stitches to the next without trimming the thread) outlines, details and shading. Run stitch is a much faster method of inputting the information required to produce a line of stitches. Run stitch follows a line which runs end-to-end very much like that produced by a regular lock stitch sewing machine. A straight line of stitches requires only that the desired length of stitch be entered followed by the start and end points of the line. The software automatically generates a perfectly straight line of stitches which are all the same length. Note: when a predetermined length of line cannot be filled exactly with the length of stitch which was input, then the program will automatically shorten the last stitch so as to make sure that a stitch falls at the end of the line. Bean stitch / triple run The input method for this stitch is the same as for run stitch however the method of stitching is different. The Bean stitch runs like this: forward 2, back 1, forward 2, back 1, Etc.. Three stitches are produced on top of one another which tend to bulge in the middle (like a bean) creating a bolder line than run stitch. Some software such as Barudan Punchant allows both the length of stitch and the number of repeats to be set between 3 and 15. Zig zag This is most often used as an underlay stitch or for stitching the edges of a piece of appliqué fabric down. A zig-zag stitch looks much like the apex formed by the roof of a house where neither stitch is at right angles to the edge of the fabric and where the embroidery frame moves the same distance between each stitch. E stitch Satin stitch Fill / Tatami - Seeding stitch. E-stitch E-stitch is used mostly as either a decorative edge stitch or as a method for stitch on appliqué fabric. The stitch moves on to the fabric at right angles to the edge then along parallel to the edge and finally off at right angles to the edge again. The next stitch moves back onto the fabric exactly on top of the last exit stitch, then along and then off again.
常常在一杯开水里加入一些白糖,然后用勺子轻轻地搅拌,慢慢地,糖溶化了,心也散发出一丝清甜,生活也就成了一种享受! Http://www.subaru-china.com http://www.chinaemblem.com

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-3-19 21:26:00 | 只看该作者
刺绣品来源开始如遍及全球的一群公司的部份呈现到提供最高的质量产品和服务给工业的刺绣品工业。 我们的经验和知识库有在 60+ 年期间在生意方面被聚集。 在刺绣品进口我们希望传递 我们在我们的许多年服务期间有聚集到刺绣品工业的知识网站。 如此, 出发这里我们由~开始一些关於~的一般资讯~~刺绣品程序,一些圈套和陷阱,而且你能如何避免他们并且藉此享受你的刺绣品经验。 如果你有我们还没有复盖的任何特效药问题,请送我们一份电子邮件在 什么你愿意知道吗? 在你开始之前 刺绣品可能是非常有益的生意或嗜好而且为大部份时间多种产品能被相当成功的刺绣。当然有一些限制如果他们被了解,能被避免或也许被在附近工作。 首要事物 No.1 首要事物。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 一部好的质量刺绣品机器。 相信我, 不全部使及模型是相等但是让我们承担你确实有一部好的机器。 你也需要考虑下列各项: 1. 对刺绣品是适当的织物是吗 2. 织物能安全地在一个箍中是固定的吗 - 是否不在那里替代方案 3. 针的正确大小和类型一定对正被刺绣的织物是使用过的。 4. 被用的线一定对针是适当的 5. 正确的类型支持织物应该被选择适合织物,设计 &固定织物的方法。 织物被刺绣 织物范围从穿越的淑女尼龙长袜到的一个很棒的多样性复以皮革。 。 。 。 。 而且你会甚至相信吗木材薄片木能被刺绣。 在最大多数的例证中,我们由于呈现很少的问题织物工作为那刺绣。 接着的点应该被在用 任何的新织物工作之前考虑。 *是对刺绣品是适当的织物。 织物可能甚至更太松弛地不是太好的 , 也课程 , 太紧紧地针织就是针织。非常好的织物可能被针或线损害然而像重的带子一样的最将会很有可能偏斜那由於针充其量造成, 跳越了一针而且最坏,坏掉的针和对~的可能伤害 ~针镀金,及裁缝钩住。非常紧紧地针织织物当他们时常在刺绣品之後展现 puckering 的一个高的程度,能是狡猾刺绣的。 *一些织物能由於~的结果压迫内部的箍进外部的箍之内与~一起留下有光泽的箍标志。 箍标志是最引人注目的在黑暗的织物上而且能时常与~一起移动或减少放松纤维的蒸气帮助。替代方案固定例如 软的紧握体格的织物方法,黏住下,否则砰然落下- 之上可能是替代方案。 * 贫穷的质量织物 一些尤其俯伏到针损害。 因为他们有用 贫穷的质量纱被做 , 所以这可能是,否则也许织物因为次等的染和最后的程序可能有恶化。 当一根针通过织物的时候, 纱应该为针搬到针成功的因素房间的任一边和然后当然线.( 线的 2 thickness' 对每一针) 当贫穷的质量织物被刺绣的时候,织物纱抵抗针和线的通道。 这能造成过度的 puckering ,梢孔, 袜子抽丝或针线破坏。 * 箍 有刺绣品箍的许多形状,大小和类型。 最通常的实在回合,椭圆形和矩形。 然而那里是愈来愈多的特殊化箍和为狡猾的工作加箍于帮助。 经验法则是 - 使用将会安全地支撑织物而且允许充份的空间最小的可能箍为了要将连续地针的危险减到最少进体格之内。 ~的一些替代品~标准的刺绣品箍包括: 无边帽体格, 袜子体格, 和手帕体格。 使用上述的体格~一些替代品~包括: 根下, 砰然落下- 之上和软的紧握。 针 有一些一般的规则这里 1. 确定你为你的机器有正确的类型针。 锐利的点针为针织的织物和球为编织的织物指出 2. 使用针的最小大小 / 厚度可能的作为织物被刺绣。 六 9,10&11 是最普遍使用过。 然而,一些贫穷的质量圆领汗衫织物可能甚至被大小 11 损害。 3. 有规则地为笔直检查针和为对~的任何伤害 ~点。 向上甚至通常滚动一个平坦的表面上的针意志表演纤细的弯曲。 为了要为对~的伤害 针点检查,你能看着针一会儿滚动在你的手指之间的针顶。 当你替换针,你也能下点和远的结束一些次置于地面跑你的手指甲的顶。 ( 许多国内的刺绣品机器需要一根有平坦的边针 - 这使它不可能滚针). 是否有对~的伤害 点你感觉你的手指钉子明白针的点上粗刻边。 如果在怀疑方面, 变化针。 。 。 。 他们不贵! 顶: 针应该被有规则地检查。不正确的针估计,及使针保持在好的状况失败是被刺绣品机器遇到的通常问题中的二个服务中心。 线 那最普遍用机器刺绣品线是多元酯,人造丝,棉花和压克力的在 40 年代或 120s count 中。 理论上,线的类型和厚度被是被织物决定的它本身的针大小决定。 然而, 它是相当通常找的 embroiderers 正在尝试刺绣罚款用~编织织物非常厚的线和奇迹他们为什麽正在有问题。 记得: 针被选择适合织物,而且线被选择适合针。 如果针是太大的它能损害织物而且如果线对针是太厚的它能引起在针洞中跳越一针 , 线休息 , 紧张问题和线果酱。 顶: 有好的线而且有坏的线。 你可能使用廉宜的人造丝一部单身的头机器上的线一次并且对~感到满意结果 -但是奔跑超过时段和你将会或许注意比较高的很多线破坏和比较更坏地使潜在性颜料要塞问题安静。 一样的廉宜线当在一部高的速度多头刺绣品机器上的奔跑可能是完全地损失惨重的时候。 别是辨士明智的和磅愚蠢的! 你所一买廉宜的线节省的可以花费你很多的, 更多在压迫力中, 下时间置于地面以机器制造和可能地来自你的客户昂贵的要求。 刺绣品支持 (非泪滴和泪滴-离开打字) 身为回来的一个关於~的一般指南 ~,我总是用~推荐出发, 而且和一个好的质量非泪滴支持推荐保留。 稍后你可能决定以~作实验比较轻的压重和泪滴- 离开但是用 小心这麽做。 危险是在时段期间你能开始在他们自己不 像是很了不起的完成刺绣品质量中遭受较小的恶化但是集体的他们能有一种重要的不同。 有一些设计/将会由于泪滴作的很好织物组合- 离开但是很小心。有~的成长趋向~使用泪滴 - 离开支持作为进展 的每种工作因为它是如此容易除去的但是不幸地产生的贫穷质量刺绣品时常是极明显的。 支持重量 / 厚度 光 - 媒体 - 重的 (非泪滴和泪滴之远) 仰赖被刺绣的织物和设计。 例子: 小的一针计数可伸缩的织物上的设计可能用 对萣生熟的重量非泪滴支持的一个光跑得好。 针织织物的对重重量的在媒体之上的小一针计数设计需要最小的支持织物,而且你可能发现萣生熟的重量泪滴-离开支持生产好的结果。 刺绣针织的织物上的徽章会通常需要一种媒体对重的泪滴之远,熔解的支持。 非熔解的支持 - 最普遍被用吗。 被刺绣的织物对衬底/以大头针钉住一针的支持织物被固定。 熔解的支持 - 有一个真正的好涂料相聚为伍的在一上边。 他们对融化胶并且藉此非常安全地对支持固定织物的热最高的织物能被固定。 铺在下面缀缝熔接 最时常这是第一工作必需的被在开始最大多数的刺绣品设计的复盖一针之前完成。 铺在下面缀缝熔接是不真的一针打字但是用来稳定一件织物的一针类型的一个组合以便 它在刺绣品程序期间将不移动或扭曲。 手册一针 一针的这个类型普遍被设计用为非常小的细节或作为未成年人编辑。 这是使用的最大多数的基本和时间强烈的类型一针。 一针每时间被产生数化器移动老鼠或光标而且按输入钮扣产生一针。 一针的长度和方向两者都被数化器控制。 如果数字化有时间和耐性 , 那麽甚至设计的最大多数的合成物都能被产生使用人工的一针。 然而,这会是数字化的非常慢的和昂贵的方法。 它是一个小同类当做比拟为一只水沫枪用~油漆一个大的表面一根单一刷子头发 - 结束结果可能多看一样的,但是花的时间会庞大的比较高。 使用人工的一针另外的一个缺点是它是非常困难编辑有和人工的一针被生产的设计。 如果库存的需要长度或密度被改变,那麽每单身的一针一定被个人地新位置。 跑一针 一针被用大概作为旅行缀缝熔接 ( 到达从一范围的一针到下一个没有整缘线) 大纲,细节和留下阴影。 奔跑一针是输入是必需生产一针的一条线的数据比较快速的很多方法。跑一针跟随一条像那跑结束-到- 结束非常很多的被一部一般的双线连锁缝纫法裁缝机器生产的线。 一针的一条直线只需要一针的被需要的长度被进入被开始和结束线的点跟随。 软件自动地产生一完全地仍然是长度的一针直线。 注意:当线的被预定的长度不能够被将完全地装满是输入的一针长度的时候,然后计画将会自动地弄短最後一针如此同样地确定以致於一针在~结束的时候线落下。 豆子一针 / 三倍之数奔跑 输入方法因为一针是相同於对跑的一针然而缀缝熔接的方法是不同的。 豆子一针像这一样的奔跑: 向前的 2, 背面 1,转寄 2, 背面 1,及其他.. 三一针被生产在~之上容易 的彼此比奔跑一针在中央 (像一粒豆子) 创造一条比较大胆的线中凸出。 例如 Barudan Punchant 的一些软件允许一针的长度和重复的数字到都是在 3 和 15 之间放置. Zig zag 这最时常被用当做衬底一针或作为缀缝熔接一件 appliqu é 织物的边缘下。 zig- zag 一针看起来很多起来像被没有一针是在直角到织物的边缘房子的屋顶形成的顶一样,而且刺绣品构成移动在每一针之间的相同距离哪里。 E 一针缎子一针填充 / Tatami- 播种一针。 电子一针 电子一针被用大概同样地或装饰的边缘一针或当做一个方法作为 appliqu é 织物上的一针。一针在直角再一次然后对对边缘的在直角的织物沿着对边缘的平行和最后走开继续行进到边缘。 下个一针向后地在织物之上完全地在~之上移动最後出口一针,然后向前而且然后再一次走开。
常常在一杯开水里加入一些白糖,然后用勺子轻轻地搅拌,慢慢地,糖溶化了,心也散发出一丝清甜,生活也就成了一种享受! Http://www.subaru-china.com http://www.chinaemblem.com
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-3-20 10:17:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-3-27 10:22:00 | 只看该作者
QQ721543 Email:xiaocao123@sina.com 水,是我们生命的源泉,请大家每天定时定量来这里灌水。 每天逛一逛,灌一灌,有益身心健康。 早晨起来一桶水,饭前饭后一桶水,关键在于坚持,重点在于参与。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-3-28 08:23:00 | 只看该作者
那你看英文啊。哈哈哈。。。 我是中文看不明白,英文看不懂。。。惨!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-4-7 20:35:00 | 只看该作者
[URL=http://www.embcx.net/dispbbs.asp?boardID=20&ID=9586&page=1][/URL] [glow=555,#0000FF,2][color=#F0FFFF] 技 术 无 止 境...真 诚 相 待......[/color][/glow]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-6-6 08:13:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-6-6 20:14:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-6-7 00:20:00 | 只看该作者
[url=http://www.lpenn.com/bbs][/URL] [color=#6495ED] 若 我 遇 到 玫 瑰 绽 放,便 会 在 梦 里 指 给 你 看。 若 我 听 见 凄 美 的 歌,便 会 在 风 中 唱 给 你 听。 [/color]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-6-11 13:20:00 | 只看该作者
不错能 有耐性搞这些东西来玩很好啊
太多的伤害让我品尝了美丽的心伤,心碎的孤独让我相信了誓言的虚伪。情人的眼泪颗颗都是陨落的流星,那样的凄美。 我爱你……………………………………
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-6-11 13:24:00 | 只看该作者
哎大哥我求求你们能不 能搞点有用的东西上来大家一起分享啊 .比方说搞点好的软件上了也不一定就要是 制版方面.别的也可以啊只要有用,我想大家都会很感谢你的!
太多的伤害让我品尝了美丽的心伤,心碎的孤独让我相信了誓言的虚伪。情人的眼泪颗颗都是陨落的流星,那样的凄美。 我爱你……………………………………
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-7-1 19:47:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-7-13 14:09:00 | 只看该作者
*/ .  ./\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\. |*`|囍|囍| `\*  ,/,.\______________\.■ |红|的| *|| ..▎田 ▎ |囍|囍| ▎◆ |和|新| .||##■▎  ▎ | '|' | ▎〓 |岩|房|
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-7-13 14:27:00 | 只看该作者
*/ .  ./\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\. |*`|囍|囍| `\*  ,/,.\______________\.■ |红|的| *|| ..▎田 ▎ |囍|囍| ▎◆ |和|新| .||##■▎  ▎ | '|' | ▎〓 |岩|房|
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-7-28 18:04:00 | 只看该作者
o my gad
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-31 02:48:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-9 12:00:00 | 只看该作者


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-11 11:27:00 | 只看该作者
For Great Future!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-29 18:14:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-29 18:26:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

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