[B]Improvements in ES V9.0K SP1[/B]
The following problems were rectified with the release of the ES V9.0K
SP1 service pack. All of these improvements are also included in the
current service pack, ES 9.0R SP3.
Two-color script
In the previous release, travel stitches sometimes poked out from
beneath cover stitches in two-color scripts when smaller heights were
used. This problem has been rectified.
Restoration of defaults and motifs
In the previous release, the Revert Utility failed to restore defaults
and motif files. This problem has been rectified.
Garamond.esa font
In the previous release, lowercase 'l' and 'j' had Edge Run underlay
even when underlay wasn't applied. This problem has been rectified.
Applique overlaps
In the previous release, when applying partial applique to objects,
there was not always sufficient overlap, sometimes leaving a space at
the joins. This problem has been rectified.
Lettering travel runs
In the previous release, a kinking effect sometimes caused travel runs
to sew on the cover stitch in some lettering objects. This problem has
been rectified.
Slow Redraw operations
In the previous release, during Slow Redraw operations, the File >
Close menu option was enabled. Selecting this item caused the software
to become disabled. This problem has been rectified.
Color Changes with Auto Start & End
In the previous release, Color Changes could not be inserted at the end
of the design with Auto Start & End activated. This problem has been
Rotating designs
In the previous release, some designs reported problems where the end
stitch always jumped away after rotating. This problem has been
Barudan machines reading designs from FDR disks
In the previous release, some newer Barudan machines were not able to
read designs from disks formatted as FDR in ES V7.x. This problem has
been rectified.
Continuous Replace input method with Auto Start & End
In the previous release, the Continuous Replace input method did not
work properly with Auto Start & End activated. This problem has been
End Jump functions
In the previous release, the End Jump function was sometimes lost on
certain designs when stitches were regenerated. This problem has been
Changing from Tajima to Barudan machine format
With previous releases, when changing from Tajima to Barudan machine
format and selecting 'Return to Start', a color change was
inadvertently added with some designs. This problem has now been
Non-DOS disks
With previous releases, some users experienced problems accessing non-
DOS disks after installing Wilcom ES on a clean NT/2000/XP system -
i.e. a system with no previous versions of ES installed. This problem
has now been rectified.
[B]Improvements in ES V9.0N SP2[/B]
The following problems were rectified with the release of the ES V9.0N
SP2 service pack. All of these improvements are also included in the
current service pack, ES 9.0R SP3.
Auto Start/End and Team Names
With previous releases, when saving Team Names designs as stitch files
which use Auto Start/End, the Auto Start/End point was not always
positioned correctly. This problem has now been rectified.
Auto Applique and Auto Spacing
With previous releases, when creating Auto Applique objects, it was not
always possible to modify the Auto Spacing settings. This problem has
now been rectified.
[B]Improvements in ES V9.0R SP3[/B]
The following problems have been rectified with the release of this
service pack, ES 9.0R SP3.
Greek and Thai language resources
With this release Greek and Thai language resource files are now
Memory error when creating PhotoFlash objects
With previous releases, a memory error message box appears when
applying PhotoFlash to some images causing the program to become
unstable. This problem has now been rectified.
Two-color script travel stitches
With previous releases, two-color scripts have had occasional problems
with travel stitches showing beneath cover stitches, particularly when
smaller heights are used. This problem has now been rectified.
Garamond alphabet with Edge Run underlay
With previous releases, Garamond alphabet defaults to Edge Run underlay
even when underlay is not applied. This problem has now been rectified.
Lettering preview with TTF alphabets
With previous releases, the lettering preview when using the Preview in
Dropdown List option with TTF alphabets is slow. This problem has now
been rectified.