标题: [原创]《刺绣术语大全》的部分翻译 [打印本页]
作者: merryalex 时间: 2007-4-12 14:06
标题: [原创]《刺绣术语大全》的部分翻译
刚才看到一个同志发的刺绣术语大全, 但是大哥啊, 不是每个人都是行家, 全英文怎么学习。。。麻烦你送佛到西吧, 小弟懂点皮毛,将部分英文翻译了一下, 大家给点意见, 错误的请指出来
贴布绣- A separate, pre-cut piece of fabric
that is decorated (or decorated and then cut), and applied to another piece of
fabric, typically a garment. Appliqués are frequently used to reduce overall
embroidery stitch counts, execute reproductions of which embroidery is
incapable (such as continuous-tone printing) and decorate substrates difficult
to embroider directly.
衬背- Typically non-woven material
(sometimes referred to by brand name 'Pellon') applied beneath material being
sewn to increase fabric stability and support stitches. Available in both
tear-away and cut-away styles of various weights, backing is generally hooped
with the substrate or otherwise positioned between substrate and embroidery
machine throat plate prior to stitching.
梭壳Bobbin - Spool or reel that holds bobbin thread (or 'under
thread') in bobbin case. Bobbin thread works with upper thread to create
Chenille绳绣 - Type of embroidery-commonly found in
appliqué and athletic applications-characterized by a design surface comprised
of heavy loops of thread; sewn with heavy threads or yarns, chenille is created
on specialized embroidery equipment.
Complex fill复合包边 - Similar to
standard fill, technique that allows digitizer 'knock out' area(s) within fill,
creating openings or negative space (visualize Swiss cheese).
Condensed format
紧凑排版- Digital
design-storage format that allows for less limited (than expanded format)
enlargement or reduction in size, scale, stitch length and density in a
digitized design (within stitch-type limitations), due to proportional number
of stitches being placed between pre-defined points, rather than individual
stitches being assigned specific sizes; may not be read by all embroidery
machines (see also expanded format).
Hook or rotary hook 旋梭- A circular
device which spins around the bobbin case with a pointed arm protruding from
its body-the hook; is instrumental, in concert with the needle and upper
thread, in forming stitches.
Hook timing旋梭计时 - Proper synchronization of hook's
rotary and needle's up/down movement; necessary to form stitches.
Hoop or frame
框架- Device used to stabilize the fabric
in that area of substrate to be embroidered; typically composed of two
concentric, wood or plastic rings, the inner of which fits tightly within the
outer-with the fabric in between-stabilizing the fabric and holding it in close
contact with the machine bed during embroidery.
Lock stitch锁针 - Sometimes referred to as a tack or
lock-down stitch, it is typically found at the conclusion of elements such as
fills and columns, or prior to color changes or stop points.
Needle机针 - Slender piece of steel with a point,
ball, taper or other shape on one end-to facilitate penetration of various
fabric types-and a nearby hole (or eye) for thread to pass through.
Nippers 镊子 - Small, scissors-like cutting tool
specifically designed for thread trimming, during finishing of embroidery.
Running stitch跑针 - Sometimes
called 'walking' stitch, used for fine detail, outlining, and quickly covering
space between separate design elements; used primarily for underlay.
SPM每分钟下针数 - Stitches-per-minute measurement used
to rate embroidery machine production speed.
Satin stitch
包针绣- Closely spaced stitches, similar to
zigzag, except that they alternate between straight stitches and angled
stitches (rather than all angled) of varying length, angle and density.
Scaling 缩放比例- Proportionately enlarging or reducing
all elements in a digitized design.
Scanner扫描仪 - Means of converting artwork-either
transmissive or reflective-into digital format, to then be further digitized or
edited via computer.
Special fill
特殊包边- A function available in some
digitizing software that automatically incorporates special patterns or
textures into fill areas.
Stitch editing
针脚编辑- The alteration of one or more
stitches in an embroidery design, accomplished as a function of digitizing or
Tension张力- Proper top- and under-thread tension
is critical in the correct formation of stitches (in some cases, adequate
tension may be quickly assessed by examining the underside of an embroidery and
observing a 1:2 ratio of bobbin thread to top thread).
Zigzag Z型行进 - Stitches that progress in an
alternating-angle (zigzag) fashion; typically used for final stitching on
appliqué and tackle twill.

作者: ilove_0717 时间: 2007-4-23 00:29
作者: alanchensh 时间: 2007-6-11 13:49
bobbin 是梭心 梭壳是 bobbin case
chenille embroidery 是链式绣,并不是绳绣.绳绣应该是cording embroidery.
hoop 或者 frame 是绷架 不是机器上大的框架, 框架是pentogragh
SPM= stitch per minute 每分钟针数 但一般说的更多的是RPM rate per minute 也一样的意思补充一下.
作者: liddysky 时间: 2007-8-9 16:37
chenille应该是毛巾绣才对啊 HOOP 和FRAME 是那个绷没错, FRAME 和HOOP都是固定绣布的绷
作者: stevenwuzh 时间: 2007-11-10 14:37
作者: pacific 时间: 2007-11-25 19:09
作者: zhang39781570 时间: 2007-11-26 15:22
作者: 范萧 时间: 2007-11-30 08:33

作者: yhh5200 时间: 2008-3-9 12:19

作者: mathis 时间: 2008-3-19 19:23
thank you
作者: 墨ヽ迹 时间: 2008-12-21 13:20

作者: ilovelace 时间: 2009-2-18 11:08
good, we want more!!
作者: logobadges 时间: 2009-2-27 03:39
chenille embroidered 也可說是 澎澎繡 參考看看
作者: jackjingzhang 时间: 2009-7-2 15:37
chenille embroidery 是链式毛巾绣哦
towel embroidery 是毛巾绣
chain embroidery 是 链式绣
作者: vip491 时间: 2010-1-7 17:58
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